Last week Marcus Elliot, Cécille Salvant and Freddie Cole all had a chance to play to an audience that understood how lucky they were to be there. These were people who were privileged to hear world class music in a world class joint. Sometimes at the Dirty Dog there isn’t room for everyone who wants to grab the magic. Those lucky enough to have been there can be thankful that a place like this is around.
Cécille McLorin Salvant, Freddie Cole and Marcus Elliot at the Dirty Dog
The Dirty Dog Jazz Café is a confluence of music, food, service, acoustics, lighting, place and respect. It is the culmination of hard work, good planning and follow through. But from the very beginning it is mostly the result of a fierce commitment from one person, Gretchen Valade. Some people dream about what could be while others complain about what isn’t. Gretchen had an idea that it would be nice to have a place for Detroit jazz to be heard and it wasn’t going to be just any old second rate dive. She took charge and there is little doubt that the future of our jazz music, which has been integral to Detroit’s recovery, was in good hands. Gretchen has been a force.
Gretchen stepped in when Detroit’s defining music was at a crossroads following an exodus of businesses, jobs and people from our city. This was a time that one of Detroit’s greatest assets, its jazz, was as powerful and robust as ever with many young artists ready to carry on, but Detroit was reeling. However, Detroit is a city where even in tough times we keep showing up and showing up. Sure enough, when we needed it most, someone showed up, stood tall and helped save one the world’s great treasures, Detroit jazz. Gretchen Valade’s love of the music carried the day . With help she founded Mack Avenue Records, saved from extinction the Detroit Jazz Festival, and made sure that the Dirty Dog Jazz Café opened its doors and thrived.
Documenting The Legacy Of Gretchen Valade
Cover photo of Will Austin at the Dirty Dog Jazz Café
If you ever want to be reminded of this great story of jazz and Detroit in photographs, you might consider picking up the book, DETROIT JAZZ Documenting the legacy of Gretchen Valade. The book is a collection of my photographs of Detroit’s great jazz artists shot at venues that have been made possible by the generous acts of Gretchen Valade. It is my attempt to document the results of one woman’s dream, I wanted the world to know that Detroit’s jazz community has never faltered.The photos are witness.
I hope that the book respects and honors all of the artists, Detroit and Gretchen.
When you come by the Dirty Dog, ask to see the book, They will be pleased to show you the book and give you a chance to get a first edition copy. The book makes a great gift to anyone who likes jazz, Detroit or photography.
John Osler
You can also order the book online at detroitjazz.net. You can also get the book at bookstores and on Amazon. For a signed copy please contact us at j.osler@att.net or call John at 313.886.4728, and we will get books out to you.
Here are some pages from the book