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It looks like we will have high temperatures in the teens this coming week. Your car and house windows will have an icy glaze that would scatter the suns rays  if only we had sunlight in Michigan in January. We are an active people and being holed up usually doesn’t fit our nature. Bears gather up some stuff and climb into holes for the winter.

Bears tend also to be grumpy. We have some better choices.


We need to get out. We don’t want to become grumpy and feel hemmed in. We need a pretty good reason to leave a warm home, scrape the windshield and then navigate the icy roads. We  need to get to a place that will get our juices flowing again. We need to be warm to our bones.

Just yards from where your car is left for the Dirty Dog Jazz Café’s complimentary valet parking  is one of the warmest places in town. The warmth comes  from the heating system, the music, the food, the pub like atmosphere and most of all a pleasant smiley staff.

Once they get settled visitors to the Dirty Dog Jazz Café often find a smile sneaking across their faces, especially this week when Alexander Zonjic’s music and good nature can be counted on to pick up our spirits.




On these cold winter evenings the Dirty Dog must assemble a staff that has rid themselves of any winter blahs. These are the folks who will welcome the guests into  a serene and uplifting experience. This process happens long before any patrons show up. What I have observed is that the management sets the tone, The respect and good natured work ethic is contagious.

I have had a chance to watch the staff prepare for an evening’s upbeat event. Tables were prepared while the kitchen started to hum.  They went about their tasks with a great deal of independence and purpose. The service at the Dirty Dog is a team effort and so was the preparation. This kind of service is not an easy task, and success is not an  accident.  Gretchen, Tom. André, Willy and all the staff seem to like being around each other. The Dirty Dog is a warm place even before the guests arrive.

But hold it, here is someone who can say this better than I can. I asked Alexander Zonjic if the staff made any difference in the clubs where  he plays. Here is Alexander’s answer.

The Dirty Dog Café has become home for some of the country’s finest jazz artists. Musicians love to play a gig at the club because they get respect. They are surrounded by people who listen and understand. When they play the Dog they generally have the audience’s attention, an audience that is also sometimes being served  in the middle of a set with a warm smile.

Let the staff know you value their contribution. Smile back.

John Osler

_Alex Z

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